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Notice for National Day Holidays
Time:2015-09-24 10:12:08 Visits:1098

For all staff:

According to the holiday arrangement in 2015 by National Government, and with the practical situation of company, below is the schedule for National Day Holidays:

1. Holiday time: from 1st October to 6th October, back to office in 7th October, say you’ll be on duty on Saturday.

2. Every department should settle down the work before holiday, cutting the power of your computer and water dispenser, locking the windows and doors before leaving the office in the afternoon at 30th September.

3. During the holiday, kindly keep your cellphone awake for 24 hours, and make sure someone can contact you while emergency happen, take care of your own health and property.

4. For the staff whose hometown is far away from company, pay attention to your security when you are on the way or traveling. Buying return ticket beforehand to avoid the rush time, and go back the office on time.


All the best to your family,

Best regard.


Guangzhou Ji Han Automation Equipment Co., Ltd.

22nd September, 2015

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